Sunday, August 22, 2010


'In consideration of the heavy involvement in YOG by our students during the Common Test Period, we woud like to inform that the computation of the Continual Assessment 2 (CA2) marks will be re-calibrated. Instead of the original 50% each for the component of Common Test 2 and Class Tests, it will now make up 30% of CA2 for Common Test and 70% of CA2 for Class Tests.'

Jeez, after all that hard work!

'Oh of course I'm serious. I sincerely believe that this is the way we repay our students for their hard work.'

You really think so? 'Cuz I don't. And these are the reasons why:

1. Class Tests took place during YOG preparation/rehearsals, while Common Test took place after.
2. Class Tests are less important to students than Common Test hence they put in more effort for the latter.
3. You had to tell us after Common Test, when we have put in $&)%^* much effort.

Many students are protesting to their parents, who are in turn protesting to the school by sending emails, and I am really in awe of the person who suggested it. I first heard about it from Charlotte and Lisa on Facebook, and it's a really sensible, mature and hopefully effective method of getting our feelings through. I told my parents about it, and my dad says I can type out the email for him, but he has one condition: he mustn't be called up to meet with Mrs Tan. So I've typed and saved the email, and he'll send when I comfirm that there're enough people protesting before he sends it.

UPDATE: Yay Chermaine sent it too! My dad will send it tomorrow morning. I hope it won't be too late.

Gosh Italian athletes are seriously hot. First swimmer Flavio Bizzari, now diver Giovanni Tocci. I am so cut out for water sports. After Lifeguard, I'll probably consider diving. The only times I dived was training for Gold Star and even that was just jumping off the board, bleah. Diving is cool :D

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