Monday, August 23, 2010

Student=Studying Machine?

Honestly. They don't do another recalibration to put our results percentage back to normal, but give us two more class tests to level the score? What is this? What are we, studying machines?

You know, I understand your intentions. I believe that you were acting in accordance with what you thought would benefit us. But the way that we students and our rights are being ignored...? This is really maddening and unacceptable!

Oh wait, we don't have rights.

Oh Singapore education system, thou art a heartless bitch. Sheldon couldn't have nailed it down better.

Speaking of Sheldon, I'm watching too little of Big Bang Theory nowadays. That's partially cos of the fact that I'm also watching Boys Over Flowers [yes, I'm lag, I know]. Both are great tv shows, in their own rights. Big Bang Theory is HILARIOUS. [So is How I Met Your Mother, so I've heard.] Boys Over Flowers is another Korean Drama that just...has charisma. I'm not bothering trying to analyse it's appeal to the Korean-show-watching audience, which I only recently joined.

Still, it's only during the post-examination period that I can slack off a little. Other times, I rarely have the time or energy to watch these shows. I just hope I can finish off Boys Over Flowers before the end of this term. I'm starting to get hooked.

Today I was musing over the stresses of a student [I'm alluding most of my posts to students, 'cuz that's the theme of this blog], and I realised that the stresses I was under during the CT2 period were pretty typical of the average student.

SOCIAL: I was vexing over what to do over an atrociously pink-edited picture of me on Facebook.
FAMILY: I'd prefer not to talk about it.
WORK: What else but Commons?
PHYSICAL: My eostrogen level was probably at an all-high.
HOME: I was having too many responsibilities with the care of the house and myself pushed into my hands, since my parents and sister were out of town. Allow me to pause for a minute to refer to an incident that happened not once, but thrice.

4.00pm-I go to bed for a short nap.
7.00pm-I wake up, see the dark blue sky light, think "HELL I SLEPT THROUGH THE ENTIRE NIGHT AND NOW I'M LATE FOR SCHOOL OMG AHHHH", dash out of bed, look at the clock, realise it's in the evening.

This is a direct result of a night owl who sleeps at irregular timings and depends on human clocks to awake each day at the correct time, but is suddenly thrown with the responsibility of waking up herself every morning.

I need to learn to be more independent. Sigh.

And we proceed...

LOVE [so-called]: Let's not talk about it.

I think that's about it.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


'In consideration of the heavy involvement in YOG by our students during the Common Test Period, we woud like to inform that the computation of the Continual Assessment 2 (CA2) marks will be re-calibrated. Instead of the original 50% each for the component of Common Test 2 and Class Tests, it will now make up 30% of CA2 for Common Test and 70% of CA2 for Class Tests.'

Jeez, after all that hard work!

'Oh of course I'm serious. I sincerely believe that this is the way we repay our students for their hard work.'

You really think so? 'Cuz I don't. And these are the reasons why:

1. Class Tests took place during YOG preparation/rehearsals, while Common Test took place after.
2. Class Tests are less important to students than Common Test hence they put in more effort for the latter.
3. You had to tell us after Common Test, when we have put in $&)%^* much effort.

Many students are protesting to their parents, who are in turn protesting to the school by sending emails, and I am really in awe of the person who suggested it. I first heard about it from Charlotte and Lisa on Facebook, and it's a really sensible, mature and hopefully effective method of getting our feelings through. I told my parents about it, and my dad says I can type out the email for him, but he has one condition: he mustn't be called up to meet with Mrs Tan. So I've typed and saved the email, and he'll send when I comfirm that there're enough people protesting before he sends it.

UPDATE: Yay Chermaine sent it too! My dad will send it tomorrow morning. I hope it won't be too late.

Gosh Italian athletes are seriously hot. First swimmer Flavio Bizzari, now diver Giovanni Tocci. I am so cut out for water sports. After Lifeguard, I'll probably consider diving. The only times I dived was training for Gold Star and even that was just jumping off the board, bleah. Diving is cool :D